galaxy 1.0.0
Real-Time C++23 Game Programming Framework. Built on data-driven design principles and agile software engineering.
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cgalaxy::core::AppBase level class for any galaxy app
 Cgalaxy::resource::Cache< Resource, Loader >Cache for resources such as audio, fonts, etc
 Cgalaxy::input::CameraControllerOrthographic camera input wrapper
 Cgalaxy::core::ConfigAllows you to read, write and manipulate JSON config files
 Cgalaxy::meta::EntityFactoryHandles entity meta (de)serialization
 Cgalaxy::math::fnv_1a_params< bits >Base specialization for fnv1a params
 Cgalaxy::math::fnv_1a_params< std::uint32_t >Fnv1a 32 bit specialization
 Cgalaxy::math::fnv_1a_params< std::uint64_t >Fnv1a 64 bit specialization
 Cgalaxy::utils::GuidContains a 128bit randomly generated GUID, along with helper functions
 Cstd::hash< galaxy::utils::Guid >Hash specialization template overload for Guid
 Cgalaxy::fs::PhysfsStreamCustom SFML input stream using PhysFS
 Cgalaxy::core::LoaderAsset and Config loader
 Cgalaxy::resource::Loader< Resource >Loads resources for a resource cache
 Cgalaxy::resource::Loader< media::Sound >
 Cgalaxy::resource::MusicLoaderLoads resources for the music cache
 Cgalaxy::resource::SoundLoaderLoads resources for the sound cache
 Cgalaxy::resource::VoiceLoaderLoads resources for the voice cache
 Cgalaxy::logging::LogSink based logging system
 Cgalaxy::logging::LogMessageParts of a log message to be passed to sinks
 Cgalaxy::map::MapAn LDTK level
 Cgalaxy::flags::NotSerializableUsed to stop an entity from being updated/rendered
 Cgalaxy::ui::NuklearUIManages the nuklear ui state
 Cgalaxy::core::PrefabPreconstructed entity definition that can be loaded at any time
 Cgalaxy::math::RandomGenerates random numbers
 Cgalaxy::math::RectPackRectangle 2D bin packing class
 Cgalaxy::core::RegistryWrapper around entt::registry to expand functionality
 Cgalaxy::mem::RingBufferMemory manager in a ring buffer format
 Cgalaxy::lua::ScriptA basic script is usually only run once or run when something specific happens
 Cgalaxy::fs::SerializableAllows a class to be serialized
 Cgalaxy::components::AnimatedAllows for an entity to be animated
 Cgalaxy::components::Circle2D shape
 Cgalaxy::components::Ellipse2D shape
 Cgalaxy::components::GUIScript for running an active UI
 Cgalaxy::components::Point2D shape
 Cgalaxy::components::Polygon2D shape
 Cgalaxy::components::Polyline2D shape
 Cgalaxy::components::RigidBodyBox2D physics body
 Cgalaxy::components::ScriptHigh level abstraction of a lua script
 Cgalaxy::components::SpriteA sprite is a texture with vertex data
 Cgalaxy::components::TagTag an entity
 Cgalaxy::components::TextString of glyphs rendered with a font
 Cgalaxy::components::TransformDefines the 2D transformation of an entity
 Cgalaxy::flags::DisabledUsed to stop an entity from being updated/rendered
 Cgalaxy::scene::SceneRepresents a scene in a game. Like the menu, game, etc
 Cgalaxy::scene::SceneManagerScene saving/loading, pushing, popping, creating. Also manages entities
 Cgalaxy::meta::EntityFactory::SerializationDataData needed to serialize an entity
 Cgalaxy::settingsHelper class to encapsulate our global settings we want to quickly access across app
 Cgalaxy::logging::SinkA source for log messages to be recorded to
 Cgalaxy::logging::ConsoleSinkLogs a message to the console
 Cgalaxy::state::StateA state to use in a finite state machine
 Cgalaxy::state::StateMachineA finite state machine
 Cgalaxy::platform::SubprocessManages a subprocess launched by galaxy
 Cgalaxy::systems::SystemRepresents a system that operates on sets of components
 Cgalaxy::systems::AnimationSystemUpdate entity animations
 Cgalaxy::systems::PhysicsSystemUpdate entities with a rigid body component
 Cgalaxy::systems::RenderSystemProcessess entities with a renderable component
 Cgalaxy::systems::ScriptSystemUpdate entities with a script component
 Cgalaxy::meta::SystemFactoryMeta factory for creating system objects
 Cgalaxy::components::TileMapRendering data for a single level/map in a LDTK world
 Cgalaxy::async::TimerAsynchronous timer class
 Cgalaxy::fs::VirtualFileSystemFile System to make managing files easier
 Cgalaxy::map::WorldAn LDTK level
 Cgalaxy::math::ZLibCompressor and Decompressor