galaxy 1.0.0
Real-Time C++23 Game Programming Framework. Built on data-driven design principles and agile software engineering.
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NgalaxyTimer.hpp galaxy
 CTimerAsynchronous timer class
 CAnimatedAllows for an entity to be animated
 CCircle2D shape
 CEllipse2D shape
 CGUIScript for running an active UI
 CPoint2D shape
 CPolygon2D shape
 CPolyline2D shape
 CRigidBodyBox2D physics body
 CScriptHigh level abstraction of a lua script
 CSpriteA sprite is a texture with vertex data
 CTagTag an entity
 CTextString of glyphs rendered with a font
 CTileMapRendering data for a single level/map in a LDTK world
 CTransformDefines the 2D transformation of an entity
 CAppBase level class for any galaxy app
 CConfigAllows you to read, write and manipulate JSON config files
 CLoaderAsset and Config loader
 CPrefabPreconstructed entity definition that can be loaded at any time
 CRegistryWrapper around entt::registry to expand functionality
 CDisabledUsed to stop an entity from being updated/rendered
 CNotSerializableUsed to stop an entity from being updated/rendered
 CPhysfsStreamCustom SFML input stream using PhysFS
 CSerializableAllows a class to be serialized
 CVirtualFileSystemFile System to make managing files easier
 CCameraControllerOrthographic camera input wrapper
 CConsoleSinkLogs a message to the console
 CLogSink based logging system
 CLogMessageParts of a log message to be passed to sinks
 CSinkA source for log messages to be recorded to
 CScriptA basic script is usually only run once or run when something specific happens
 CMapAn LDTK level
 CWorldAn LDTK level
 Cfnv_1a_paramsBase specialization for fnv1a params
 Cfnv_1a_params< std::uint32_t >Fnv1a 32 bit specialization
 Cfnv_1a_params< std::uint64_t >Fnv1a 64 bit specialization
 CRandomGenerates random numbers
 CRectPackRectangle 2D bin packing class
 CZLibCompressor and Decompressor
 CRingBufferMemory manager in a ring buffer format
 CEntityFactoryHandles entity meta (de)serialization
 CSerializationDataData needed to serialize an entity
 CSystemFactoryMeta factory for creating system objects
 CSubprocessManages a subprocess launched by galaxy
 CCacheCache for resources such as audio, fonts, etc
 CLoaderLoads resources for a resource cache
 CMusicLoaderLoads resources for the music cache
 CSoundLoaderLoads resources for the sound cache
 CVoiceLoaderLoads resources for the voice cache
 CSceneRepresents a scene in a game. Like the menu, game, etc
 CSceneManagerScene saving/loading, pushing, popping, creating. Also manages entities
 CStateA state to use in a finite state machine
 CStateMachineA finite state machine
 CAnimationSystemUpdate entity animations
 CPhysicsSystemUpdate entities with a rigid body component
 CRenderSystemProcessess entities with a renderable component
 CScriptSystemUpdate entities with a script component
 CSystemRepresents a system that operates on sets of components
 CNuklearUIManages the nuklear ui state
 CGuidContains a 128bit randomly generated GUID, along with helper functions
 CsettingsHelper class to encapsulate our global settings we want to quickly access across app
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< galaxy::utils::Guid >Hash specialization template overload for Guid