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galaxy 1.0.0
Real-Time C++23 Game Programming Framework. Built on data-driven design principles and agile software engineering.
▼Ngalaxy | Timer.hpp galaxy |
▼Nasync | |
CTimer | Asynchronous timer class |
▼Ncomponents | |
CAnimated | Allows for an entity to be animated |
CCircle | 2D shape |
CEllipse | 2D shape |
CGUI | Script for running an active UI |
CPoint | 2D shape |
CPolygon | 2D shape |
CPolyline | 2D shape |
CRigidBody | Box2D physics body |
CScript | High level abstraction of a lua script |
CSprite | A sprite is a texture with vertex data |
CTag | Tag an entity |
CText | String of glyphs rendered with a font |
CTileMap | Rendering data for a single level/map in a LDTK world |
CTransform | Defines the 2D transformation of an entity |
▼Ncore | |
CApp | Base level class for any galaxy app |
CConfig | Allows you to read, write and manipulate JSON config files |
CLoader | Asset and Config loader |
CPrefab | Preconstructed entity definition that can be loaded at any time |
CRegistry | Wrapper around entt::registry to expand functionality |
▼Nflags | |
CDisabled | Used to stop an entity from being updated/rendered |
CNotSerializable | Used to stop an entity from being updated/rendered |
▼Nfs | |
CPhysfsStream | Custom SFML input stream using PhysFS |
CSerializable | Allows a class to be serialized |
CVirtualFileSystem | File System to make managing files easier |
▼Ninput | |
CCameraController | Orthographic camera input wrapper |
▼Nlogging | |
CConsoleSink | Logs a message to the console |
CFileSink | |
CLog | Sink based logging system |
CLogMessage | Parts of a log message to be passed to sinks |
CSink | A source for log messages to be recorded to |
▼Nlua | |
CScript | A basic script is usually only run once or run when something specific happens |
▼Nmap | |
CMap | An LDTK level |
CWorld | An LDTK level |
▼Nmath | |
Cfnv_1a_params | Base specialization for fnv1a params |
Cfnv_1a_params< std::uint32_t > | Fnv1a 32 bit specialization |
Cfnv_1a_params< std::uint64_t > | Fnv1a 64 bit specialization |
CRandom | Generates random numbers |
CRectPack | Rectangle 2D bin packing class |
CZLib | Compressor and Decompressor |
▼Nmem | |
CRingBuffer | Memory manager in a ring buffer format |
▼Nmeta | |
▼CEntityFactory | Handles entity meta (de)serialization |
CSerializationData | Data needed to serialize an entity |
CSystemFactory | Meta factory for creating system objects |
▼Nplatform | |
CSubprocess | Manages a subprocess launched by galaxy |
▼Nresource | |
CCache | Cache for resources such as audio, fonts, etc |
CLoader | Loads resources for a resource cache |
CMusicLoader | Loads resources for the music cache |
CSoundLoader | Loads resources for the sound cache |
CVoiceLoader | Loads resources for the voice cache |
▼Nscene | |
CScene | Represents a scene in a game. Like the menu, game, etc |
CSceneManager | Scene saving/loading, pushing, popping, creating. Also manages entities |
▼Nstate | |
CState | A state to use in a finite state machine |
CStateMachine | A finite state machine |
▼Nsystems | |
CAnimationSystem | Update entity animations |
CPhysicsSystem | Update entities with a rigid body component |
CRenderSystem | Processess entities with a renderable component |
CScriptSystem | Update entities with a script component |
CSystem | Represents a system that operates on sets of components |
▼Nui | |
CNuklearUI | Manages the nuklear ui state |
▼Nutils | |
CGuid | Contains a 128bit randomly generated GUID, along with helper functions |
Csettings | Helper class to encapsulate our global settings we want to quickly access across app |
▼Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< galaxy::utils::Guid > | Hash specialization template overload for Guid |